Edible City Solutions for a better world!


EU-funded research and innovation projects include that a major part of the documents presenting the projects’ strategies and outcomes is shared with the public. This page lists all public documents (so-called “deliverables”) that have been submitted to the European Commission thus far.

Work Package 1: Urban Governance and Network Infrastructure

1.1 - EdiCitnet Governance Approach

An internal governance structure is essential for EdiCitNet to connect across the diversity of sectors, disciplines and cultural contexts of our partners. Governing for social inclusion goes beyond formal government approaches to include public, private (business) and civil society (community) sectors.


1.2 - Local working groups established, functioning and communicating well in all cities

The building of the City Teams represent a core step towards building an inclusive and participatory basis for the involvement of relevant actors in all cities in the EdiCitNet project. This report documents the current state and profile of all City Teams in the EdiCitNet project. We identified common barriers in order to provide action strategies for tackling upcoming challenges.


1.3 - International network established

We aim to strengthen the co-creation and diffusion of expertise and knowledge on ECS, spread successful methodologies and replicable strategies. Innovative solutions and best practice related to ECS to drive socially inclusive urban regeneration processes worldwide based on mutual learning and thus benefits. EdiCitNet uses an integrated, cross-sectoral and multi-stakeholder approach to built up the Edible City Network.


1.4 Institutional Context Summary Sheets

This report presents an overview of the current local institutional context for Edible City Solutions (ECS) in each of the EdiCitNet cities and highlights the barriers and enablers for integrating ECS concepts into the specific local planning and decision-making context.


1.5 - Annual Meeting Report 2019

The annual meeting of EdiCitNet was held in Girona (Spain) on 22‐25 October 2019 and it was hosted by our local partners ICRA and University of Girona. This is a report on the outcomes of the meeting.


1.5 - Annual Meeting Report 2020

The EdiCitNet annual conference for the year 2020 was held on 5-6th October as a virtual meeting, due to the Corona pandemic.


1.6 - Aggregated risk management matrix

Risk management is crucial for ensuring sustainable outcomes of the EdiCitNet project. To minimise negative interferences, WP1 Urban Governance and Network Infrastructure team asked all EdiCitNet City Team coordinators to list the major risks in the categories (political, social, economic, environmental, organisational risk) that each City Team faces to achieve its goals and indicate the likely probability and impact of the identified risk (high, medium or low), and propose possible measures for preventing the risk or mitigating the expected impacts.


Work Package 3: Living Labs in Front-Runner Cities – Demonstrating innovative Edible City Solutions for replication and up-scaling

3.1 - Implementation Project Plans

Andernach, Oslo and Berlin are participating as Front Runner City (FRC) in the EU Innovation Action Edible Cities Network (EdiCitNet). They are each testing Edible Cities Solutions (ECS) in socalled Living Labs (LL). The present Implementation Project Plan (IPP) is a detailed yet adaptive plan to describe the framework and goals of the LL and the intended implementation of the ECS. The IPP was developed in a co-creation process with support of an expert and monitoring board of local stakeholders – the so-called city team.


3.2 - Status Report on the Implementation of the Living Labs in the Front-Runner Cities

This is a status report on the implementation of the Living Labs in the Front-Runner Cities. As well as a detailed description of the implementations since 2019 the document also provides insights on the unexpected impacts on the Implementation Project Plans during the last years and gives an outlook on measures that will ensure the sustainability of the Living Labs.


Work Package 4: Transition Pathway – Planning for Edible City Solutions in Follower Cities

4.1 - Adapted Transition Pathway Methodology

Deliverable 4.1 in the EdiCitNet project describes the adaption of the Transition Pathway Methodology that will be used to guide the Follower Cities through a strategy development process.


4.2 - Trained Staff in each Follower City

This deliverable provides a report on the “Training of Trainers ” (ToT) held on 19-21 October 2019 in Girona (ES), back to back with the Annual Meeting of the EdiCitNet project. In the ToT the future trainers of the Follower Cities have been trained in the Transition Pathway Methodology (TPM) using as a real test case of an Edible City Solution (ECS) located in Girona.


4.3 - Documentation of Edible City Solutions in Follower Cities

The first phase of the transition pathways methodology (TPM) for anchoring Edible City Solutions (ECS) in cities aims at developing a system model within the respective urban context. This system model helps cities to understand their state of the art holistically and is the basis for creating future scenarios that show us how ECS can be used to address social challenges. 


Work Package 5: Documentation and Monitoring

5.2 - Guidelines for participatory impact monitoring including Citizen Science

This document gives recommendations for implementing monitoring protocols, with a strong focus on participatory methods and tools. 


5.5 - Prioritised indicators and baseline

This deliverable briefly introduces the concepts and principles of monitoring and indicators that monitoring is based on. We document the process of selecting indicators for monitoring, showing how a long list of potentially relevant candidate indicators was gradually narrowed down to a few selected indicators that might realistically be monitored in each ECS.


Work Package 6: Consultancy, Business Development and Market Uptake

6.1 - Refinement of the plan for the exploitation of the project's results

The present document summarises the beneficiaries’ strategy and concrete actions related to the exploitation of the project results.


6.2 - Stakeholder power-interest maps

Here we have selected existing Edible City Initiatives located in the EdiCitNet Front-Runner Cities, to gain insights into the operations of initiatives and into the importance of key actors and their stakes in the realization and continuity of initiatives and businesses.


6.3 - EdiCitNet Online Marketplace

EdiCitNet is developing an online Marketplace for Edible City Initiative development as an integral part of the EdiCitNet public website. The goal is to connect initiatives, entrepreneurs and interested parties at the local, regional and global level, enabling global knowledge sharing and replication.


6.4 - Action Plan of ECS Business/Blended Consulting Team

The Business Consulting Team (BCT) Action Plan is a description of activities that are going to be undertaken by the ECS Business Consulting Team during the lifetime of the project.


6.5 - Report on Triple Bottom Line Business Models

This project deliverable intends to thoroughly explain the Triple Bottom Line Business Models which are used throughout the project to provide scientific base for supporting different Edible City Initiatives.


6.6 - ECSI Business Model Analysis & Typology

How can the business models of Edible City Solution Initiatives (ECSI) be understood to support their continuity and upscaling?

This is the guiding question this Deliverable (seeks to answer through the analysis and typology of ECSI business models, including the derivation of strategies for continuity and growth per type.


Work Package 7: Education, Knowledge Transfer and Dissemination

7.1 - Refinement and adjustment of plan for the dissemination, communication and training activities

This refined Plan of Dissemination, Communication and Education (DCEP) is a collection of actions that will result in the visibility of the EdiCitNet project, the global application of its results and in establishment and support for the EdiCitNet network during the project period and beyond.


7.2 - Public website and online community platform

This deliverable presents two key tools used for fostering communication at several levels in the Edible Cities Network project.


7.3 - Data Management Plan

This Data Management Plan (DMP) characterises the existing and planned data management, data security, data access and policies within the EdiCitNet project.


7.4 - ECS Curricula, Training Modules and Materials

The present Deliverable “ECS curricula, the training modules and the materials” is a first draft of how EdiCitNet can spread the idea of the Edible City with its Edible City Solutions (ECS) through different educational formats and above all how EdiCitNet can anchor it deeply in our increasingly urbanised world.


7.5 - Concept for yearly Edible City Solutions Forum, Conference and Summer School

This deliverable presents three event formats focusing on participation, visibility and education, which have been adapted to the needs of EdiCitNet and the rapid spread of ECS.


Work Package 8: Coordination and Management

8.2 - Internal Communication Platform: Community Management Tools

This deliverable explains the setting up of a semi-internal communication platform for project partners and beyond.



MS1 - First official meetings of EdiCitNet City Teams

The first official City Team meetings, signalling the beginning of intensive work at the local level, have been held. These events have been recorded through the minutes of both large meetings and regular smaller check-in meetings.

