Edible City Solutions for a better world!

We are pleased to introduce to you the association REACT, which is part of the Edible Cities Network.

REACT draws on the multiple multidisciplinary experiences of its members in various fields of research and innovation (water and environment, biodiversity, human health, IT, etc.). The association also relies on the professional and associative networks of its members and is a sustainable development association with an expertise in the fields of Water management and the integration of non-conventional water for optimal use of water resources in arid environment and to achieve zero discharge.

Their main work consists of the protection of biodiversity while developing and integrating endemic plants into both ecological and production systems, the governance and institutional aspects related to water and health and support to decision-makers and main actors and the moderation, dissemination and awareness-raising among different target groups including young people.

The association’s main role in the project is to support the Follower City Carthage with the integration of ECS into urban master plans and the ECS development adapted to specific climatic, social and cultural contexts.  This implies the integration of sustainable components on ECS linked to water and biodiversity, co-creation and exchange meetings with main actors as well as the implementation of the Carthage city team, including the awareness-rising, capacity building, dissemination and the sustainability of EdiCitNet achievements.

Find their projects and more information on their website: http://react.org.tn/

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