Was bietet der Marketplace Eurem Unternehmen oder Eurer Initiative?

Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass die urbane Landwirtschaft einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Förderung der lokalen resilienten Wirtschaft leistet und damit auch eine wichtige Rolle bei der Bewältigung aktueller Krisen spielt. Im Rahmen unseres EdiCitNet-Projekts bieten wir mit dem Marketplace eine Plattform, die auf die Bedarfe von Initiativen, Start-ups und KMU im Bereich Edible City zugeschnitten ist. Die wichtigsten Vorteile des Marketplace umfassen:

  • Vernetzung und Kollaboration: Runde Tische, Arbeitsgruppen und Workshops, die auf Eure Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten sind.
  • Expertise: Unterstützung durch Expert*innen, um Eure ECS-Produkte und/oder -Dienstleistungen weiterzuentwickeln.
  • Sichtbarkeit: Eine globale Plattform, um Eure ECS-Produkte und/oder -Dienstleistungen hervorzuheben und Kund*innen und Partner*innen zu finden.
  • Kostenlose Organisationsberatung: Ein maßgeschneiderter professioneller Beratungsservice, basierend auf dem Reifegrad, der Position in der Wertschöpfungskette, den Bedarfen, der Skalierbarkeit und Replizierbarkeit Eures Unternehmens.

Meldet Euch jetzt an und füllt das Anmeldeformular aus, damit wir mehr über Eure Organisation und derzeitige Herausforderungen erfahren. Wir werden ein kostenloses Profil Eurer Initiative erstellen, das Euch die Möglichkeit bietet, Eure Aktivitäten, Dienstleistungen und Produkte auf unserer Plattform zu präsentieren und potenzielle Kooperationspartner*innen oder Lösungsanbietende zu finden.

Hier kostenlos registrieren

Die Teilnahme am Marketplace ist kostenlos und ermöglicht es uns, besser zu verstehen, wie wir Euch bei der Bewältigung Eurer Herausforderungen unterstützen können. Auf Grundlage Eurer Angaben im Anmeldeformular werden wir eine Reihe von maßgeschneiderten Online-Workshops und Webinaren entwickeln, die hilfreiche Instrumente und Methoden zur Weiterentwicklung von Lösungen für die essbare Stadt vorstellen. Meldet Euch jetzt für den EdiCitNet-Marketplace an und bleibt über anstehende Aktivitäten und Veranstaltungen auf dem Laufenden.

Vielen Dank und beste Grüße,

Euer EdiCitNet-Team

Get To Know The EdiCitNet Consulting Team

EdiCitNet Consulting Services

Are you involved in an Edible City initiative and looking for FREE consulting services to further develop the financial sustainability model for your organization? You have come to the right place!

Food production in urban areas is a major step towards more sustainable, liveable and healthy cities. However, it is not easy to survive or grow as an Edible City initiative under immense cost pressure in the urban setting and the limited access to land. That is why the EdiCitNet consulting team provides effective consultancy services to initiatives, NGOs, small businesses and other organizations that create solutions for urban food systems all across the globe. We can help you and your team to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions for economic, environmental and social success, and equip you with tools, resources and networking to explore solutions and address the needs of your organization.

Our main consulting services:

We offer a range of professional consulting services with a focus on sustainable development models and marketing and promotional strategies: 

  • Strategy consulting to help organizations to create plans for improving their performance and meet their defined goals. 
  • Business and financial consulting to help organizations to improve their financial strategies and create more efficient procedures to achieve economic sustainability.
  • Marketing consulting to help organizations to develop their strategies to improve branding and better reach consumers.
  • Brand consulting to help organizations to discover new ways for presenting and communicating the value of their work and activities to the public in the most appealing and advantageous manner possible.

We can also provide consulting services with in the following focus areas:

  • Sustainable water and wastewater management in urban areas
  • Green roof, façade greening and interior greening design and technology
  • Urban ecology, regenerative agriculture, cultivation climate-smart solutions and community engagement.


Through a series of online and in-person tailor-made workshops, webinars and brokerage events that help organizations to improve their sustainable development models, marketing and promotional strategies. These workshops and events, developed and implemented by leaders in the field from across Europe, provide participants with the necessary tools, resources, and networking to strengthen your organization, project or initiative. Do you want to know more about these workshops? Click here.

Visit also our FAQ page to find answers to your questions about how to plan and run a successful organization. We gather the answers from experts and condense some of the most asked questions on this page. If you don’t find the answers to your questions, be sure to contact us.

Get to know the EdiCitNet consulting team:

Main members of the EdiCitNet Consulting team are experts from Humboldt University of Berlin, the Norwegian SME Nabolagshager, the Borderstep Institute in Berlin and Wageningen University. The team is supported by other experts from several SMEs and NGOs across Europe. 

 Laura Martinez Izquierdo

Laura Martinez Izquierdo

Director of Research at Nabolagshager AS

Stephanie Ligan

Stephanie Ligan

EdiCitNet project staff at Humboldt University Berlin

Alexandra Widrat

Alexandra Widrat

Researcher at Borderstep Institute

Adam Curtis

Adam Curtis

CEO at Nabolagshager AS

Other experts in the Consulting Team:

  • Erwin Nolde, General Manager at Nolde & Partner
  • Niclas Dehmel, Engineer at Nolde & Partner
  • Kai Gildhorn, founder of Mundraub 
  • Felix Mollenhauer, expert in Green Roofs and Green Facades at BuGG (German Association of Building Greening).
  • Robert Shaw, Co-founder of Berlin’s best-known community garden Prinzessinnengärten
  • Helene Gallis, Director of Partnerships and Innovation at Nabolagshager AS
  • Dr. Emiel Wubben, Associate Professor Strategic Management at Wageningen University
  • Dr. Geoffrey Hagelaar, Assistant Professor, Business Management & Organization at Wageningen University


What can the marketplace offer your business or initiative?

We believe that urban agriculture can greatly contribute to create more resilient and self-supporting local economies and thereby also play a vital role in the recovery from the current crisis. As a part of our EdiCitNet project, we are in the process of establishing a Marketplace that is specifically tailored to the needs of Edible City Solution (ECS) initiatives and small businesses. Major benefits of the marketplace are:

  • Collaborative networking: roundtables, working groups, and workshops curated based on your needs
  • Expertise: support from experts to develop your ECS products/services further
  • Promotion: a global platform to highlight your ECS services and products to find your target consumers and partners
  • Free business consultation: a tailor-made professional consulting service based on the maturity, position in the value chain, needs, scalability, replicability of your business

Sign up now and fill in the registration forms to help us learn more about your organization and the challenges you are currently facing. We will create a free profile of your organization that gives you the opportunity to portray your activities, services, and products on our portal and find potential collaboration partners or solution providers.

Register here free of charge

Participation in the Marketplace is free of charge and allows us to better understand how we can assist you in responding to the current crisis and other challenges. Based on your information provided in the registration form we will develop a series of tailored online workshops and webinars featuring tools and methods to tackle ECS related challenges. Join our ECS Marketplace now and stay updated about these upcoming activities.

Thank you and best wishes,

Your EdiCitNet Team
